Key Note/Motivational Talks



We can provide you with world-class key note or motivational speakers with a difference. Neuro-Link specializes in the neuroscience of work place learning. All our speakers deliver key notes from a neuroscience perspective. Whether you are looking for a motivational talk or a key note on people-related topics such as:

  • The neuroscience of happiness
  • Nelson Mandela – an inspiring example of an emotionally intelligent leader
  • Discover your amazing neurological design
  • A world-class blueprint for developing emotionally intelligent leaders
  • Mind Power: 6 drivers that optimize your brain performance
  • 2 Keys to developing high performance teams
  • Develop values-driven teams

We also deliver Innogizer sessions to audiences to create a positive and relaxed mood for course/conference participants and set the stage for having a fun learning experience. Some of our most popular sessions are:

  • The Brain Boogie
  • Humorobics
  • 7 Funtivities to Develop Your Creativity

All our key notes are tailor-made to our client’s needs. The differentiating factor is that we follow a neuroscience approach, even if it is a fun and relaxed session.

For a high impact session with a fresh theme, contact us today!


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