Become a Business Partner
Are you looking for an opportunity to expand your people development practice?
Would you like to add a new revenue stream to your business?
Business Partners are entrepreneurial professionals in the people development industry licensed to distribute, sell, and deliver Neuro Agility Profile® assessments and learning solutions in volumes to users of Neuro Agility products and services in various countries and regions of the globe. They are Neuro Agility practitioners with a strong business focus. To become a Business Partner, NAP™ Practitioner Training is a pre-requisite for any professional development in Neuro Agility, or any involvement in the Neuro Agility Community. It will enable you to become a Neuro Agility expert. You will learn how to use our NAP™ assessments and online learning solutions as tools to help your clients improve performance, identify potential, develop talent, and reduce their risk for errors and mistakes. Should you be interested in becoming a Business Partner, please ensure you familiarize yourself with all the NAP™ practitioner requirements, as this will be your point of departure in becoming a Business Partner.