12 Emotional Intelligence Competencies Profile®

Are you looking for a world class emotional intelligence framework to improve performance, happiness, relationships and develop talent?

Do you want to help people be more effective, successful and employable?

Using emotional intelligence (EI) assessments in talent selection, recruitment, talent development, performance improvement, and employee retention has helped numerous companies decrease attrition rates, increase productivity, increase sales, reduce training costs, and significantly improve performance. The 12 Emotional Intelligence Competencies Profile® is an assessment that will help your clients improve their performance, leadership skills, be more effective, successful and employable as well as develop high performing teams.

Assessment Overview

Neuro-Link’s EI assessment is called the 12 Emotional intelligence Competencies Profile®. With this profile, you get a comprehensive view of a person’s performance, EI skills and strengths, as well as suggestions for further development. It provides insights into 6 intrapersonal competencies (self) and 6 interpersonal competencies (social) of a person.

Our 12 Emotional Intelligence Competencies Profile® is a 360° evaluation that combines performance feedback from you and a variety of observers including your managers, peers, direct reports and internal customers who know you well and does not have an ax to grind with you.

If you are doing the 12 Emotional Intelligence Competencies Profile® for personal development purposes, your observers may be your life partner, friends and family.  It illustrates your perspective, your observers’ perspectives and the average between your and their perspectives of the 12 emotional intelligence skills that are of primary importance for your happiness, effectiveness, relationships, success and leadership.

Feedback includes a debriefing with a trained consultant to provide an in-depth understanding of your EI report results. An atomized, online debriefing video is also provided with each report.

Neuro-Link’s 12 Emotional Intelligence Competencies Profile® can be done by individuals as a stand alone. It also complements various development initiatives like developing high potentials, leaders and high performing teams. We therefore offer a self-paced, online, Emotional Intelligence Practitioner Training Program to people development practitioners and business partners worldwide to use our assessments and learning solutions as tools to optimize performance and/or sell for profit. Learning how to debrief people on our EI profile and sell it for financial gain is part of the practitioner training.

The 12 Emotional Intelligence Competencies Profile® is also the point of departure for doing Neuro-Link’s cutting edge High Achiever Emotional Intelligence Development Program. It serves as a world class EI framework to develop yourself and others.

6 Intrapersonal Competencies:

  • Accurate emotional awareness
  • Accurate self-assessment
  • Self-esteem
  • Self-control
  • Self-motivation
  • Adaptability

6 Interpersonal Competencies:

  • Empathy
  • Service orientation
  • Organizational awareness
  • Interpersonal communication skills
  • Social cohesion and team functioning
  • Leadership



  • 12-page report
  • Illustrates self-evaluation table of the 12 emotional intelligence skills
  • Illustrates 1-5 observer’s evaluations of the 12 emotional intelligence skills
  • Illustrates average of self-evaluation and observer evaluations

Translated into Various Languages

EI emotional-intelligence


  • Questionnaire – 60 easy questions (takes about 15-20 minutes)
  • 10-page report
  • Post-evaluation
  • Automized debriefing videos

Practitioner Training

Neuro-Link presents online, Emotional Intelligence Practitioner Training for teachers, lecturers, trainers, therapists, coaching professionals and consultants about the 12 emotional intelligence skills that are of primary importance to optimize people’s performance. This self-paced program certifies practitioners to compile and debrief our EI profile. It consists of videos, manuals, assessments as well as practical and theoretical assignments.

Why do a 12 Emotional Intelligence Competencies Profile®?

Emotional intelligence (EI) is one of the most desired human skills sets for the workplace of today and the future. These skills are measured in the 12 Emotional Intelligence Competencies Profile® and our High Achiever Emotional Intelligence Development Program. It is essential that employees, leaders and teams develop their emotional intelligence skills if they want to stay employable, successful, competitive and relevant in the future. You can’t improve what you can’t measure. The 12 Emotional Intelligence Competencies Profile® enables you to:

  • Identify high-potentials and top performers
  • Use it as a framework for talent selection and development, leadership development and employee wellness
  • Promote workplace happiness
  • Promote employee engagement
  • Create accurate emotional self-awareness
  • Increase social cohesion and team synergy
  • Promote strong social bonds between people
  • Enhance positive self-esteem
  • Enhance mental wellness
  • Create social awareness
  • Promote self-leadership
  • Improve interpersonal communication
  • Resolve conflict more effectively
  • Maintain constructive relationships with others
  • Develop agile leadership
  • Improve customer service
  • Practice empathy

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