A Neuro Agile Approach to Wellness

Neuro-Link has developed a holistic wellness program to promote health and wellness in the workplace. The program is called the Neuro-Wellness Program and consists of our neuroscience and emotional intelligence assessments and learning solutions that are neuroscience-based. It complements all Employee Assistance Programs and Employee Wellness Programs as it empowers people to know what they can do for themselves before seeking professional assistance. Some companies implement this program as an organizational development intervention to proactively promote workplace well-being and happiness.

Neuro Wellness Program

A holistic, brain-mind program to empower people with intrapersonal and interpersonal skills to enhance their performance, well-being, and happiness.

Neuro-Link’s Neuro-Wellness Program follows a neuroscience approach to creating and maintaining happiness and well-being. The Neuro Agility Profile® Advanced+ and 12 Emotional Intelligence Competencies Profile® assessments are the points of departure for each intervention as we believe: “One can’t improve what one can’t measure”.

The program starts with a comprehensive assessment of the factors that impact people’s brain health and performance. Understanding the drivers that increase your brain’s performance and health is the key to well-being, happiness, and performance improvement. Subsequently, we offer neuroscience learning solutions to help people cope with disruptive stress, develop resilience, and minimize their risk of human errors.

The Neuro-Wellness Program offers a holistic approach to developing and maintaining physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being and happiness. An emotional intelligence framework forms the basis of this program—the 12 Emotional Intelligence Competencies Profile™ is used to measure intrapersonal and interpersonal skills.

Program Overview

This program consists of 10 modules:

  • Module 1: Mental Awareness – Neuro Agility & Emotional Intelligence Assessments
  • Module 2: Spiritual Well-being – Formulate Your Purpose, Create Vision and Establish Values
  • Module 3: Developing Brain Health – Improve Your Brain Power
  • Module 4: Mental Wellbeing – Improve Change Agility  and Maintain Wellness
  • Module 5: Mental Well-being – Proactive Coping Skills
  • Module 6: Social Well-being – Social Awareness Skills
  • Module 7: Social Well-being – Interpersonal Communication Skills & Conflict Resolution Skills
  • Module 8: Social Well-being – Social & Team Cohesion
  • Module 9: Social Well-being – Values-Driven Leadership

Ideally, the sessions should be presented chronologically as we follow a holistic approach. It can also be presented as separate modules based on the client’s needs and circumstances. For best results, all the following themes should be covered:

  • Work/life/sleep balance
  • Physical wellness
  • Social wellness
  • Mental wellness
  • Spiritual wellness
  • Establishing strong social bonds with others