Neuro Agility Profile® Student Performer for Students

A performance improvement assessment for students who are studying further

The purpose of the NAP™ Student Performer is to:

  • Identify and understand your Neuro Design (how you are talented)
  • Align who you are (your Neuro Design) with what you do (your subject and career choices)
  • Increase concentration
  • Optimize memory
  • Improve your learning results
  • Measure your learning skills
  • Optimize the drivers that impact your brain performance
  • Improve your brain health
  • Reduce stress and fatigue
  • Reduce mistakes and your risk of human errors
  • Improve your learning results
  • Accelerate learning
  • Promote whole-brain learning
  • Promote learning ease, speed, and flexibility

Who will benefit from the NAP™ Student Performer assessment?

Students between the ages 16-24 years who are studying further

What is the NAP™ Student Performer used for?

  • Learning performance improvement
  • Potential identification
  • Learning skills optimization
  • Reducing the risk of mistakes and human errors
  • Improving learning results
  • Improving mental agility
  • Optimizing brain fitness
  • Improving brain health and wellness
  • Accelerating learning and thinking

What is the NAP™ Student Performer Assessment?

The Neuro Agility Profile® Student Performer assessment is abbreviated as the NAP™ Student Performer. The Student Performer is our flagship assessment to help students who are still studying further improve their learning results and minimize learning difficulties. It measures 13 elements of Neuro Agility that impact their brain potential, brain health, brain fitness, mental flexibility, and risk of human errors and mistakes. The NAP™ Student Performer helps students increase the ease and speed of learning, thinking, and information processing. It is frequently used by teachers, lecturers, and therapists to develop high-performing, agile learners. Ultimately, it helps students to develop a brain and mind that is fast, focused, and flexible.

Doing a NAP™ Student Performer provides valuable answers to students about questions like:

  • What is my brain potential and how can I develop it further?
  • Who am I? How am I talented? How do I prefer to learn?
  • Is there alignment between my natural neuro-design and the subject and career choices I make?
  • What does my overall brain fitness look like?
  • What does my brain health look like? How can I improve it?
  • How can I obtain better learning results
  • How can I think, learn, and solve problems faster and easier?
  • How do stress and fatigue impact my brain’s performance?
  • How can I cope with stress and fatigue better?
  • How can I improve my mental flexibility?
  • What is my potential risk for errors and mistakes during stress?
  • How can it help to reduce my risk for errors and mistakes?

Elements evaluated in the NAP™ Student Performer

The NAP™ Student Performer measures 13 brain-mind elements that influence the ease, speed, and flexibility with which you learn, think, and process information

7 Brain-Mind Elements of Your Neurological Design:

  • Relative / functional lateral preferences
  • Expressive – receptive preferences
  • Figurative thinking and learning languages – brain quadrants
  • Rational – emotional preferences
  • Brain and sensory information processing preferences
  • Multiple intelligence preferences
  • Sensory learning preferences
  • Neuro-Design Flexibility dashboard


  • 180 easy online questions (30-45 minutes to complete)
  • 32-page online report illustrating 13 elements of Neuro Agility and offering suggestions to optimize your Neuro Agility
  • Action plan to improve Neuro Agility
  • Automated debriefing video
  • Post-evaluation 6-12 months later
  • Translated into various languages

Benefits for students:

  • Improve learning results
  • Understand your amazing neurological design
  • Accurate awareness of your unique potential
  • Understand how you are talented/smart
  • Align your Neuro Design with your subject and career choices
  • Increase your mental flexibility
  • Agile thinking and learning
  • Optimize your overall brain fitness
  • Improve ease and speed of learning
  • Strengthen your brain health
  • Accelerate brain power skills like complex problem-solving and critical–creative thinking
  • Cope with stress and fatigue more effectively
  • Reduce mistakes and your risk of human error
  • Improve concentration and memory
  • Improve your confidence

6 Drivers that Optimize Brain Performance:

  • Brain agility
  • Stress coping skills
  • Sleep
  • Learning skills
  • Mindset / Attitude
  • Brain food
  • Overall Brain Fitness dashboard
  • Neuro Agility dashboard
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