Welcome to the Brain Agility Booster Program!

Congratulations on investing time and money in the greatest asset you will ever have – YOUR BRAIN!
By participating in the Brain Agility Booster Program, you are taking an important step towards thinking and learning faster, smarter and being more brain fit and mentally flexible.
We live in a disruptive world – one troubled by political upheaval, shaken by the impact of rapid technological transformation, and gripped by global health crises. In such a disruptive world, human skills like our mental agility and power to innovate are more important than ever before. Complex problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, decision-making, and cognitive flexibility are some of the most desired brain power skills needed for today and the future if you want to be employable, successful, and competitive. Optimizing your brain fitness and neurological flexibility will be a vital prerequisite to help you learn, think, and create with ease, speed, and flexibility. All people think, learn, and create, but in different ways. It is essential that you understand how you prefer to do it best.
At Neuro-Link we believe: “You can’t improve what you can’t measure”. The reason for completing your Neuro-Agility Profile® (NAP™) brain profile assessment is to accurately understand how uniquely you prefer to learn, think, and solve problems, as well as identify areas in which you can improve your brain fitness and performance. Your brain profile should serve as the starting point in this exciting learning journey to create a plan of action to improve your brain performance and develop yourself further.
Purpose of your NAP™ brain profile assessment
Purpose of your NAP™ brain profile assessment
- Create a plan of action to improve performance and develop yourself further
- Understand your neuro-design (potential)
- Align who you are with what you do
- Identify how you are uniquely talented
- Optimize the drivers that impact your brain performance, mental flexibility & brain health
- Accelerate learning, thinking, creativity, and problem solving
- Reduce your risk for human error
- Increase your neuro-agility
After implementing this program, you will be able to:
- Identify potential neurological or learning hindrances you may experience
- Apply brain fitness skills to minimize potential neurological hindrances
- Reduce your potential risk of human error more effectively
- Understand your neurological design and learning potential
- Enhance your brain health and performance
- Increase your brain fitness
- Experience more ease and speed with learning and thinking
- More accurately align who you are with the job functions you perform and/or the subject or career choices you make
- Improve your learning results
Enjoy this exciting journey of learning how to get the most out of your brain!
André Vermeulen
Please Note:
Neuro-Link is committed to inclusivity. Nothing in this course is intended to offend any person’s affiliation to race, gender, religion, and culture. We deeply respect all people, regardless of their race, gender, beliefs, religion and culture.
The information provided in the NAP™ brain profile assessment and this course is based solely on data developed from Neuro-Link over more than 25 years. It should be interpreted in light of information that is currently available and should never be used as the sole basis upon which to make development or promotion decisions. To make informed decisions about others, Neuro-Link advises you to use the information from this course in conjunction with knowledge from other sciences and instruments.