Welcome to the Neuro-Link family!

Congratulations on your decision to participate in Neuro-Link’s Neuro Agility Profile® Practitioner Training Self-Study Program. Adding this training to your toolbox of skills will add tremendous value to people’s lives! We are a dedicated group of professionals sharing the passion for developing people.
- Click here to see an overview of who we are.
- Click here to see an overview of the Neuro-Link Way
- Click here to download the Neuro-Agility Profile Training Manual.
The World Economic Forum rates 5 of the top 10 most desired skills for people to prosper in the job market of the future as brain power skills. These skills are complex problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, decision-making, and cognitive flexibility. If people or organizations want to be competitive, they need to out-think, out-learn, out-create, and out-perform their competition! We are born with thinking, learning, and creative potential. It will, however, require learning the appropriate thinking, learning, and creative skills to be able to out-think, out-learn, out-create, and out-perform the competition. Optimizing brain fitness and neurological flexibility will be a vital prerequisite to help people learn, think, and create with ease, speed, and flexibility. This places developing brain power and neuro-agility at the center of people development. All people think, learn, and create, but in different ways. To develop these brain power and neuro-agility skills for the future, we need to assist people with a framework for optimizing the drivers that impact their brain performance and identifying the neurophysiological components that influence the ease, speed, and flexibility with which they learn, think, and process information.
Neuro-Link’s NAP™ Practitioner Training Program will provide you with a comprehensive, holistic, and cutting-edge framework to identify people’s unique talent, create personal brain-based development plans, reduce risk for human error, and improve their performance, brain health, and happiness.
At Neuro-Link we believe: “You can’t improve what you can’t measure”. Over more than 30 years Neuro-Link has developed a comprehensive assessment, unique in its kind, registered as the Neuro Agility Profile® (NAP™).
The NAP™ brain profile assessment is a multi-dimensional, neuroscience innovation that assesses 6 drivers that can be enhanced for optimum brain performance and 7 neurophysiological components that impact a person’s neurological design. It is generally referred to as a brain profile assessment but is not similar to any other assessments in the market, also referred to as brain profiles, as it is the most comprehensive neuro-agility assessment that exists.
The NAP™ Practitioner Self-Study Program certifies lecturers, teachers, facilitators, coaches, therapists, talent development practitioners, and performance improvement professionals to assess others and debrief them on their unique neurological design (potential) and the drivers that optimize their brain performance and brain health.

Outcomes of the Practitioner Training
After completion of this program, you will be able to:
- Identify neurological & learning hindrances
- Reduce risk of human error
- Accurately assess people’s neurological design & learning potential
- Measure and enhance brain performance
- Optimize and improve brain health
- Debrief individuals on their neuro-design and the drivers that optimize their performance
- Debrief teams on what the team and character looks like and the unique contribution each team member can make to the team
- Help people align who they are with their job functions and career choices
- Accelerate people’s learning results
- Use Neuro-Link’s assessments as a revenue stream to generate income
Certification Requirements
In order to become a Certified NAP™ Practitioner, the following actions have to be executed:
- Connect with us on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/drandrevermeulen and Neuro-Link Facebook
- Complete a NAP™ Advanced+ brain profile assessment of yourself
- Course work:
- It is highly recommended that you print a copy of your brain profile and keep it handy to refer back to when appropriate
- Watch videos and work through the manual
- Complete multiple-choice questionnaires at the end of each module. The minimum requirement in order to be certified is 80%
- Read through all resources and the NAP™ practitioner training manual
- Sign your Neuro-Link Practitioner License Agreement and NDA and submit it to your respective Neuro-Link representative
- Please ensure that all financial obligations are met
- If all the above have been received and is in good standing, you will receive a certificate as a Certified NAP™ Practitioner
- At an additional cost of $300 The NAP™ can be co-branded with your logo

The Neuro-Link family is looking forward to our journey with you!
André Vermeulen
CEO Neuro-Link
Please Note: Neuro-Link is committed to inclusivity. Nothing in this course is intended to offend any person’s affiliation to race, gender, religion and culture. We deeply respect all people regardless of their race, gender, religion and culture.
The information provided in this report is based solely on data developed from Neuro-Link over more than 25 years. It should be interpreted in light of information that is currently available and should never be used as the sole basis upon which to make development or promotion decisions. To make informed decisions about others, Neuro-Link advises you to use the information from this course in conjunction with knowledge from other sciences and instruments.