High Achiever – Emotional Intelligence Development Program (27 hours)

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Congratulations on your decision to invest time and money into becoming happier, healthier, more effective and more successful!

At Neuro-Link we believe that people have unlimited potential in terms of what they learn, think and create. By doing this training you will be able to help yourself build a powerful skill set to out-think, out-learn and out-create any challenge you may encounter.

Neuro-Link’s High Achiever Emotional Intelligence Development Program will provide you with a powerful framework to develop your emotional intelligence, vital for 21st-century people who want to be successful, effective and happy. This framework is applicable to workers, managers, leaders, parents and anyone who wants to improve their performance while maintaining strong and healthy relationships with others.

Here are some interesting findings about emotional intelligence:

  • Emotional intelligence was the strongest predictor of performance alongside 33 other important workplace skills that were tested, explaining a minimum of 58% of success in all types of jobs.
  • 90% of top performers have high emotional intelligence (EI).
  • People with a high degree of emotional intelligence make an average of $29 000 more per year than people with a low degree of EI – in fact, every point increase in emotional intelligence adds $1 300 to an annual salary. No job has been found yet in which performance and salary aren’t tied closely to emotional intelligence.

Five of the top ten most desired skills for people to prosper in the job market of the future, as identified by the World Economic Forum, can be categorized as Emotional Intelligence skills and the other five as brain-power skills. These skills all form part of the High Achiever Program. This is an EI program with a difference. Each module has a neuroscience point of departure. That is why the Neuro Agility Profile™ Advanced+ is applicable to each module as well as the 12 Emotional Intelligence Competencies Profile™.

The modules that you will do in Neuro-Link’s High Achiever Emotional Intelligence Development Program, will strengthen your emotional intelligence competence and contribute to:

  • Improving your brain performance – process information easier and faster
  • Increasing your neuro-agility
  • Clarifying your life purpose
  • Promoting happiness
  • Enhancing your mental and brain health
  • Improving your personal impact in society and the workplace
  • Strengthening your interpersonal competence (social skills)
  • Increasing self and social awareness
  • Improving your self-management competence
  • Improving your ability to synergize in a team
  • Increasing your leadership impact
  • Accelerating your thinking and learning
  • Communicating more effectively
  • Being more empathetic
  • Being more service-oriented
  • Enhancing team effectiveness
  • Coping more effectively with stress, managing fatigue & maintaining wellness
  • Becoming more of who you can be!

Neuro-Link’s Emotional Intelligence program consists of the following modules:

  • Module 1: Emotional Intelligence – Developing Accurate Self-Awareness through the NAP™ Advanced+ Brain Profile as well as the 12 Emotional Intelligence Competencies Profile™ as a point of departure for developing Emotional Intelligence.
  • Module 2: Formulate Purpose
  • Module 3: Mind Power
  • Module 4: Coping with Change, Managing Stress & Maintaining Mental Wellness
  • Module 5: Coping Skills
  • Module 6: Social Awareness
  • Module 7: Interpersonal Communication & Conflict Resolution
  • Module 8: Social Cohesion & Team Functioning
  • Module 9: Leadership
  • Final Assignment

It is highly recommended that you complete all 9 modules for maximum impact as Emotional Intelligence is not just a course, but a life journey that requires interaction between many skills. There is a multiplication effect when all the modules are completed sequentially as these skills build upon each other.

Enjoy this exciting journey of becoming more of who you can be!

Dr André Vermeulen

CEO, Neuro-Link

  • Watch this video as an instructional video about the EI journey ahead:

Prerequisites for this Emotional Intelligence (EI) Training:

Module 0 is a prerequisite before completing any of modules 1-9 as Neuro-Link’s Brain Profile assessment (NAP™ Advanced+) and EI assessment (12 Emotional Intelligences Profile™) will be relevant to each module that follows.

Course Requirements:

The following actions have to be executed:

1.  Complete your Brain Profile NAP™ Advanced+ assessment questionnaire.

2. Complete your 12 Emotional Intelligence Competencies™ assessment questionnaire.

3. Course work:

  • Familiarize yourself with all materials (videos, manuals, assessments, infographics, etc.)
  • Have your assessments readily available as you need to personalize the content of the modules with your profiles. It will be a good idea to have a file for keeping all your modules and assessments in one place.
  • It is also highly recommended you obtain a journal to write down your awarenesses and the actions or activities you want to implement. It can serve as your plan of action to increase your emotional intelligence.
  • Complete multiple choice questionnaires. The minimum requirement to move on to the next module and for certification is 80%

When all of the above is completed and all the requirements have been met, you will receive a certificate of completion.

Please Note: 

Neuro-Link is committed to inclusivity. Nothing in this course is intended to offend any person’s affiliation to race, gender, religion and culture. We deeply respect all people regardless of their race, gender, religion and culture.


The information provided in this course and assessments is based on research from world-class institutions and authorities and data developed from Neuro-Link over more than 25 years. It should be interpreted in light of information that is currently available and should never be used as the sole basis upon which to make development or promotion decisions. To make informed decisions about others, Neuro-Link advises you to use the information from this course in conjunction with knowledge from other sciences and instruments.