Go ahead and click on the link below and take the assessment if you have not done so yet. To complete the questionnaire will take 45-60 minutes to answer 180 questions. Remember that your brain profile is a preference questionnaire, so when you answer the questions, please indicate your preference where appropriate. Your brain profile report will be emailed to you once it is completed. When you have completed your assessment, please return to the course and watch the debriefing video that follows.
Click here to log into the system where you will access the questionnaire. Use the same username and password as used for this website. After you have logged in, click on “Do a Profile” on the menu at the top to access your profile.
(Note: If you have already completed your profile, mark this lesson as complete and then watch the debriefing videos that follow.)
- Introduction: This is your Neuro Agility Profile™ Advanced+. The purpose of the NAP™ is to help you measure the factors that determine how neuro agile you are, so you can develop and optimize those factors that increase the ease, speed and flexibility with which you learn, think and process information. It is a summary of 6 drivers that optimize your brain health and performance and its impact on 7 neuro-physiological attributes of your neurological design. Your NAP™ is an Instrument to help you identify and develop the drivers and components that can optimize your neuro-agility. The scores on your drivers and neuro-design components will continuously fluctuate depending on how much you keep on learning and flexing mental muscle. Neuro-agility consists of 2 dimensions. The first dimension consists of neuro-physiological components that influence your flexibility in thinking and learning. The second dimension consists of the drivers that optimize your brain performance, which will affect the speed and ease with which you learn. The purpose of this profile is to:
- Identify your potential and how you are talented
- Improve the speed, ease and flexibility with which you think and learn
- Reduce your risk for error
- Increase your brain performance and brain health
- Optimize your learning agility
- Strengthen your self-awareness and emotional intelligence
- Align who you are with what you do
Please remember: Although the NAP™ Advanced+ is valid and reliable, it can only be as accurate as you were honest!
- Make sure you have your NAP™ handy to follow when you watch the video:
- Page 2 provides a general overview of what neuro-agility is and why it matters
- Page 3 provides an overview of your neuro-design and how it influences your neuro-design flexibility
- Page 4 provides an overview of how your neuro-design flexibility and brain optimization scores determine your overall neuro-agility
- The rest of the pages will provide you with detail about the elements of neuro-agility
- The last 3 pages of this assessment provide you with a summary of the factors that impact how neuro agile you are.
Please note that this is a lengthy video. Pause when necessary and continue when ready.
- Video duration time: 127 minutes (2 hours 7 minutes)
Your Amazing Neuro-Design:

- Your neurological design, abbreviated as neuro-design, consist of 7 neuro-physiological components that will influence the ease and flexibility with which you learn, think and process information. In this part of the video, we discuss 4 components – Relative Lateral Dominance, Expressive – Receptive Preference, 4 Quadrant Preferences and Rational – Emotional Preferences.
- Refer to pages 5-10 of your NAP™ Advanced+ brain profile assessment.
- What is the strongest contribution you can make in a team if you look at your 4 quadrants profile on pages 7-9?
- Click here for an overview of the neurological design factors that influence your brain performance.
- Brain & Sensory Preferences:

- This section of the video explains how your unique combination of brain hemisphere, eye, ear and hand dominance influence how you process information and your potential risk for error. It discusses components 5 and 6 of your neuro-design.
- Refer to pages 11-14 on your NAP™ Advanced+ brain profile report.
- How does your information processing style influence your risk of human error? (page 13)
Intelligence Preferences:

- Refer to your NAP™ Advanced+ brain profile assessment pages 15-20
- This section of the video discusses the last (7th) component of your neuro-design – your intelligence preferences.
- How are you smart? What are your strongest intelligence preferences? How does this relate to what you do? Is there alignment between who you are and what you do?
- Page 19 is a summary of your neuro-design
- Page 20 is a summary of your neuro flexibility that illustrates the balance/flexibility between the various modes of the neurophysiological components of your neurological design
- How do you think your neurological design relates to your life purpose?
- How do you think your neuro-design relates to being accurately aware?
Drivers That Optimize Your Brain Performance:

- Look at pages 21-26 of your NAP™ Advanced+ brain profile assessment. On each page tick those suggested actions and activities you still need to do to optimize your brain performance.
- Click here for an overview of the drivers that influence brain performance.
- Click here for an article of the drivers that influence brain performance.
- Look at your brain performance optimization dashboard on page 27. How do you think these drivers influence your brain health? Which drivers need to be optimized? Which drivers are not on at least 80% yet? How do you plan to improve all drivers?
- How Brain Fit are you?
- Do you have sufficient Stress Coping Skills?
- How do you think will your average for the drivers influence your ability to learn fast and adapt to constant change?
- Do you think these drivers will influence your overall happiness?
- How do the drivers that optimize your brain performance influence your neuro-design? Which drivers do you have to optimize further?
- Page 28 illustrates your neuro-design flexibility
- Page 29 illustrates your overall neuro-agility, which is the sum total of the drivers that optimize your brain performance and your neuro-design flexibility
- REMEMBER: The purpose of the NAP™ Advanced+ is to develop yourself further. You now need to construct a plan of action to develop yourself further and optimize your neuro-agility. So ask yourself: “what is the goal and what is the plan?” Discuss your options and plans with your NAP™ accredited coach and design a personal development plan.
- Module 3 will directly be relevant to addressing the 11 neuro-agility elements illustrated in your NAP™ Advanced+ to optimize your brain performance and improve your neuro-design flexibility.