5.3 Stress Coping Skills Copy


  • In layman’s terms, stress means to “switch off” – to lose control over certain brain regions, depending on your unique neuro-design. Lack of stress coping skills will cause your brain to not function at optimal level and will also neutralize your brain fitness. Stress Coping Skills therefore, is a major optimizer of your brain performance and brain health.
  • Refer to your NAP™ brain profile assessment on page 22. How did you score on Coping with Stress? How does it influence the other drivers that impact your brain performance?
  • This module consists of 3 videos. Total video duration time of videos: ? minutes.
  • It explains the impact of stress as a driver that impacts your brain’s performance. (See pages ? in the Neuro-Agility Manual).
  • Golden rule: You cannot function at optimum level if you are under stress.
  • Golden Rule: Stress can eliminate the impact of brain fitness.


  • The theme of this video is Stress Relief & Relaxation. It offers suggestions to cope with the immediate effects of stress more effectively.
  • Refer to pages ? in your manual
  • Video duration time: 51 minutes.
  • Look at the suggestions to cope with immediate stress in your NAP™ brain profile assessment on page 22. How did you score? Tick those suggestions you still need to do to improve your stress coping skills.
  • List the actions and activities you can do to cope with stress in your Action Plan
  • Golden Rule: Relaxation and breathing exercises improve your neuro-agility.



  • The theme of this video is Pro-Active Stress Coping Skills. It deals with how to cope with stress in the medium to long term in a pro-active manner.
  • Video 2 duration time: 25  minutes.
  • Golden rule: Stress is your brain’s greatest enemy. We are not born with stress coping skills. Developing pro-active stress coping skills as part of your lifestyle is a vital pre-requisite for health, wellness and performance.



  • The theme of this video is Humoroubics. It deals with how laughter helps you cope with stress.
  • Video 3 duration time: 20  minutes.
  • Golden rule: The evolutionary purpose of laughter is to relieve stress.
  • Golden Rule: Laugh. Have fun.

    • Reflection:
    • How is stress influencing your lateral and sensory dominance (pages 4 & 11-14 in NAP)?
    • How do you think stress impacts your fatigue levels?
    • List the actions and activities you need to do to cope better with stress in your Action Plan?