5.1 Having a Balanced Lifestyle

  • This section discusses the importance of work/life/sleep balance in order to pro-actively take charge of change and stress and be able to cope with stress and maintain wellness.
  • Total video duration time: 38 minutes
  • See pages 4 – 12 in your Coping Skills manual.

Part 1: Holistic Approach To Wellness

  • When you look at the holistic approach to pro-actively coping with life’s challenges, do you see gaps in your personal life that need to be addressed to cope more effectively?
  • What actions do you think you need to take to address the gaps you identified?
  • Golden Rule: A holistic approach to maintaining wellness is a vital prerequisite to managing yourself more effectively and being an EI smart person.


Part 2: Drivers That Optimize Your Brain Performance

  • Refer to pages 21-27 of your Advanced+ brain profile assessment.
  • Which drivers that are not on 80% or more, need to be optimized to improve your brain health and performance?
  • What is your plan of action?


Part 3: Work – Life – Sleep Balance

  • Golden Rule: Work-life-sleep balance is mandatory if you want to pro-actively stay in control of yourself, your life and maintain wellness.
  • Is there alignment between your life priorities and how you spend your time?
  • Is there balance between your personal life, work and sleep?
  • Do you think your work-life-sleep balance is proactively helping you to be and stay in control?
  • List the changes necessary for you to maintain life balance.