3.8 Drivers That Optimize Your Brain



  • Refer to your Advanced+ brain profile pages 23-25.
  • This section deals with another 3 drivers that optimize your brain’s performance. It explains how sleep, movement and mindsets can optimize your brain performance. (See pages 22–27 for Brain Food & page 37 for Sleep).
  • Total video duration time: 1 Hour 44 minutes.


Part 1: Sleep

  • Golden Rule: Lack of sufficient sleep reduces mental alertness, increases fatigue and a person’s propensity for human error.


Part 2: Movement & Exercise

  • Golden Rule: Movement is the door to thinking and learning.
  • List actions and activities to optimize this driver.
  • Create a plan of action to optimize this driver.


Part 3.1: Attitudes & Mindsets

Part 3.2: Attitudes and Mindsets

  • Golden Rule: You are the sum total of your thinking. If you want to optimize your performance you have to maintain and optimize a growth mindset.
  • List actions and activities to develop an optimistic/growth mindset.
  • Create a plan of action to optimize this driver.