5.1 Drivers That Influence Your Brain’s Performance – Part 1: Mindsets (28 minutes)


  • Familiarize yourself with pages 20 – 37 in your Mind Power Manual. Please note that the drivers mentioned in sequence on the videos will not be in the same sequence  in the manuals.
  • Look at the summary page of the drivers that impact your brain performance in your brain profile report on page 22 . The graph will illustrate how these drivers impact your brain performance and the following modules will illustrate how one can optimize those drivers.
  • This video explains how positive thinking and mindsets are a driver that can optimize or negatively impact brain performance.  (See pages 29 – 32 of the Mind Power manual).
  • Video duration time: 28 minutes.
  • Golden Rule: A negative mind will negatively impact other drivers that optimize brain performance.
  • Golden Rule: A negative mind can never produces a positive life!